Case Management Services
Catalyst Counseling, LLC’s case management services are designed to provide skill-building and linkage to community resources for clients and their families. Case managers help to restore or increase the clients’ level of functioning. A case manager helps children, teens, and adults practice skills they are learning in a real-life setting, so the service may be provided in a variety of places such as a home and school.
The goal of Case Management services is to develop as many natural supports as possible for children, teens, adults, and their families allowing clients to become as successful as possible. Providing child, transitional, and adult focused case management.
Synergy - Transitional Case Management
Adolescents and young adults are not always prepared for adulting. Those who have experienced personal setbacks, difficulty with academics, and who are experiencing mental health difficulties have more difficulty with this transition and building the skills needed for success.
A focus on Resilience Factors: positive connections with safe adults, affiliation, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and external support systems.
Case Management Services & Synergy / Transitional Case Management Services:
Crisis Support / Intervention
Parent Resources/ Support
Parent Education
Multisystem Advocacy/ Collaboration
Attendance Issues
Support to reduce Disciplinary Actions
Skills to address low Self-Esteem
Assistance and strategies to manage Personal Relationships
Recently Moved or New to School or Job
Self-harm Reduction
Social anxiety
Social Skill development
Addressing poor grades
Addressing poor job performance issues
Decision Making Skills
Goal Development
Social Skill Development
Anger Management
Social Skills Training
Parenting Support
Attend school meetings
Practicing executive functioning skills
Organizational skills/time management
Connection to community resources (food, clothing, financial support, etc)