How Do I connect to a therapist in my school?

First, check out our contact us page to find the districts and schools where we’re located, as well as the name of the District Leads. Call one of the District Leads to get connected to the therapist in your school.

You can also contact your school’s administration team and ask to be connected to the Catalyst counselor in your building.

How long will I (or my child) be in therapy?

The length of treatment depends on a variety of things. The treatment (type and duration) should always be matched appropriately to the nature and severity of the client's presenting difficulties. Acute difficulties usually require fewer treatment sessions than do chronic conditions. Therapists work to create individualized, developmentally appropriate treatment plans for each client.

Therapy can last for a few months to a few years, but therapy typically ends when the client and therapist feel that the client has met the treatment goals.

Sometimes, especially children, will need to come back to counseling at various stages in their life. As they grow and develop, children may need to revisit skills and process life’s challenges.

Can you prescribe medication for me (or my child)?

Our nurse practitioner is able to prescribe medication, if that is something you are interested in for your child. Visit the Nurse Practitioner page to learn more about this service.

Mental health therapists do not prescribe medication, however they work closely with the nurse practitioner to help monitor clients’ symptoms and progress of the medication.

You’re school based - are therapists available during summer break?

Yes, therapists still see their clients over the summer. Most school buildings are open and allow therapists to access their offices throughout the summer break. Sometimes, therapists are able to meet clients at community centers, libraries, or parks if that is more convenient. This will be something you can discuss with your individual therapist!

Do you want to meet with the parents or caregivers?

Yes! Parents and caregivers are a vital part of the therapy process. Parents are the true experts on their child and therapists need the input from parents and caregivers to understand the whole child. Therapists hope to see growth and change not only in the identified client, but to see these positives changes in the family system as well. Often times, the behavior of the child effects the entire family and at Catalyst, we want parents and caregivers to know that they are supported too. We get it - raising a kid is hard and we hope to help parents and caregivers know they are not alone.

If you are a parent or caregiver who wants to speak to your own therapist, Catalyst would love to find you someone to work with from our team.

Will my current therapist see me when I (or my child) transition to junior high/high school?

Catalyst Counseling works hard to ensure that each client is taken care of throughout their school career. Typically, when a client is ready to transition to junior high or high school, the current therapist will help the client transition to another highly skilled, Catalyst therapist at their new school.

Will the therapists’ records be part of my child’s school records?

No, all therapy records are kept completely separate from the school’s records. Catalyst therapists are housed inside the schools, but we are not employed through the district. Catalyst Counseling keeps all records confidential unless the child’s parent/legal guardian has signed releases of information.

Sometimes is it necessary for the therapist to share certain information with the school in order to provide better care for the student. In this case, the therapist would obtain a signed release from the parent/legal guardian before sharing any confidential information.